Seriously... People just suck sometimes. No excuse or reason... just pure suck. I once knew this person. They didn't suck in the least. Now they suck. Not just like a wee bit of suck either. I'm talking the full on, all out, lifted Hummer H1 gas guzzler suck. The big papa suck. If suckyness were a fascist leader, this person would be Adolf Hitler.
At least I don't suck. I suck at basketball. I suck at writing blogs. I suck at vocabulary (which is why I don't bother using any synonyms for suck). However, my friend, I'm not a sucky person. And thats not being conceded or anything. A guy knows when he doesn't suck.
If you're reading this... I dunno. I'm sorry haha. This is the worst blog ever. I know I talked it up saying I have a wonderful mind and all. And I used the word "excerpts." So forgive me if this isn't exactly Shakespeare.
Hmmm so in closing. I'm pretty pissed off right now. Sorry if this is an extremely vague post. Nobody's gonna read this crap anyways. And if you are, don't be offended by that. You're not a nobody. You're just bored probably. Can't blame ya for that. Oh, and at least you don't SUCK.
Oh, and I'm vegan starting now.